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First Dibs – New Products for 7/14/2015

First Dibs – New Products for 7/14/2015

I’ve added a few new pieces to my ever evolving collection! I’m loving the mix of textures and styles and the way the bright metals interplay with the rich textiles, upholstery and case goods. For instant gratification and the opportunity to scoop up pieces as I find them follow me on Instagram at @Strangelovely1.

Some treasure is timeless.

Some treasure is timeless.

Like great songs, there are great pieces that never get old. The right accent, the perfect little touch can give your decor that is both fresh and classic. Strangelovely is committed to finding just these kind of pieces, touching them up, and reclaimiing them for...

Beauty is more than skin deep.

Beauty is more than skin deep.

Sometimes the beauty of an object can be hidden by the wear of years. Upycling is bringing that beauty back with loving care, craftsmanship and fresh textiles. If you have a treasured piece you'd like to upcycle or would bring one into your home, check out our work...

Vintage is not just old.

Vintage is not just old.

Vintage is a style. A look. A way to keep the past in the present. At Strangelovely we do the hard work of seeking out the best pieces and bringing them out for you. Check out some of our latest finds here.